NMHE Community Service Networking Event to Benefit First Nations Community HealthSource (FNCH)

Join us after work on Tuesday, 23 June 2015, from 5 - 7 pm at El Pinto for our Q2 Networking and Community Service Event to Benefit First Nations Community HealthSource (FNCH). Linda Son-Stone, CEO of First Nations, will join us and speak briefly about her organization and the services it offers in our community. There will be networking before and after her presentation.

  • This event is a networking event and supply drive--attendees are asked to bring items from the FNCH wish list posted on the RSVP page
  • This is a bring-a-colleague event, so members please feel free to bring a colleague who would like to know more about NMHE and our events. NMHE Member, simply RSVP for two tickets (one for you (the member), one for your guest), and e-mail president@nmhe.org with your guest's name, title, organization, and e-mail address. Please note that this is a closed event: Every guest must be accompanied by an NMHE member. 

Please RSVP to this event no later than 17 June. We must provide a head count to the restaurant.

Questions? Contact us at programming@nmhe.org.